Try Unwinding Anxiety® free for 7 days
Subscription with 7-day free trial:
– Daily guided lessons on how to work with and overcome anxiety
– Unlimited access to mindfulness exercises and stress tools
– Online community forum and journal
– Weekly group calls with our team of habit change experts
– Bonus content and 20+ optional Theme Weeks
6-Month Subscription
about $5.50/week-
automatically renews every 6 months
About your free trial and subscription
We ask for your payment details up front so you can experience full access to the program and seamlessly continue your journey with Unwinding Anxiety after your free trial ends.
You’ll have access to the first week of modules to see if the program is right for you.
You can expect to learn about:
- The anxiety habit loop
- Reward-based learning
- Anxiety triggers
- Mindfulness tools to combat unhelpful triggers & behaviors
- The science behind why our brains become anxious
- How to be kind to ourselves
Based on Dr. Jud Brewer’s research, we recommend working with Unwinding Anxiety for at least 2 months to see reductions in anxiety.
Learn more about the clinical studies behind Unwinding Anxiety.
If you cancel your free trial or unsubscribe after your subscription begins, you will have limited access to the program.
Basic access includes:
- The first 4 modules
- Stress Test and Stress Meter tools
- Select mindfulness exercises
- All 30 modules
- All behavior change tools
- All mindfulness exercises and meditations
- Online community and journal
- Weekly calls and our team of habit change experts
- Bonus content
- Theme Weeks
Don’t worry, you will not be charged immediately.
Your payment will be processed on the 7th day of your free trial, and we’ll email you a heads up beforehand. You can cancel any time in the app before the 7th day of your free trial to avoid being charged.
Your subscription will automatically renew each 1, 6, or 12 months, depending on your subscription plan.
A lifetime subscription means you’ll always have full access to the program and don’t need to worry about renewing a subscription.
You can cancel anytime!
The lifetime subscription lasts as long as the lifetime of the Unwinding Anxiety app, not your own lifetime.